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Die Globalisierung erfordert von Mitarbeitern internationaler Unternehmen ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität. Die Versetzung eines Mitarbeiters bedeutet für Unternehmen und deren Angestellte und ihre Familien einen hohen Aufwand an Kosten und Organisation.

Auch die Softfaktoren, wie interkulturelle Kompetenz und die Fähigkeit, sich auf einen neuen und fremden Standort einzustellen, spielen eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle.

Hier unterstützt Sie die Palladium Mobility Group mit engagierten, mehrsprachigen, kompetenten und ortskundigen Consultants, die die Eingliederung in die neue Umgebung für Ihren Mitarbeiter und dessen Familie möglichst reibungslos und erfolgreich gestalten. Dabei helfen unsere langjährigen Verbindungen und unser Netzwerk aus Behörden, Maklern, Umzugsfirmen und Partnerunternehmen, Ihnen diesen Service vor Ort weltweit optimal anzubieten und Ihnen den Rücken frei zu halten für wichtigere Dinge.

The Palladium Mobility Group is an international relocation and immigration company. We support local and international companies worldwide with application for Visa, work permit, residence permit, etc. Further we are professionals for services such as home search, contract check, registrations at local authorities, school search, settling-in support like opening of bank account, apply for electricity and gas, broadcasting fee, internet and telephone, driving license, etc.
Have you, as an HR professional or manager, ever come across questions such as how to apply for a work and residence permit e.g. in Mumbai?

What are the immigration regulations for the different territories in India? Is Punjab different to Rajasthan? How do I calculate the cost of living for a software engineer in India compared to Germany? Could my employee apply for the famous Blue Card in Germany?

Sending an assignee abroad isn´t just a little adventure for the employee. The company should be aware of the fact that assignments abroad can be very complex and should be well planned. Therefore the Human Recourses Department needs to cover all eventualities and resolve all obstacles to ensure a smooth transfer. Taking care of all those administrative barriers while dealing with your daily business is challenging.

Using the services and support of relocation companies could be the solution. The outsourcing of tricky procedures such as applications for visa, work and residence permits is money well spent.

Relocation companies are always up to date with new regulations, know which documents are needed and know the timelines and procedures by heart. Very often they even have a close working relationship to the administrators at the authorities.

A professional Relocation Company is not just “a service provider”. For all members of the Human Resources Department which are involved in expatriation, it is a close partner and almost like another department within their own company. A constant feedback on every case, regular meetings and quick consultative calls are vital for the success of every relocation.

Furthermore, once the assignee has arrived at the new destination the Relocation Company can give support for house hunting, settling-in services such as utility registration, opening a bank account and outlining to the individual the school systems as well as converting the driving license, getting internet and phone. With our head office located in Munich we are based in more than 25 Germa, Austrian and Swiss cities such as Frankfurt, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Dresden, Leipzig, Hannover, Nuremberg, Vienna, Salzburg, Bregenz, Zurich, Bern, and many more.

The international network of the Palladium Mobility Group guarantees a global and professional support to all continents.
We are member of the European Relocation Association and a proud holder of the EurA Quality Certificate. Further we belong the TIRA - The International Relocation Association.

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