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Stanford Computer Optics, Inc., is a major manufacturer of ultra high speed intensified CCD camera systems for the most sophisticated scientific applications. Since the early days, the California based company cooperates with the Paul Hoess KG as European partner and headquarter.

Since 1989, Stanford Computer Optics is pioneering and manufacturing intensified CCD camera systems. ICCD cameras are suitable to low light measurements down to a single photon and capture events occurring within less than one billionth of a second. With the experience of 20 years, Stanford Computer Optics offers the fastest ultra high speed ICCD cameras with a gating time of down to 200 picoseconds.

The products from Stanford Computer Optics cover the complete range of intensified imaging. All-in-one-head ICCD cameras with high speed shutter systems providing gating times down to the picosecond regime. The image intensifier module, Quantum Leap, is designed to enhance any experimental setup with intensified imaging capabilities. In 2003, the ultra high speed framing camera, XXRapidFrame, was introduced to our costumer. This multi-channel framing camera consists of a single optical input and multiple intensified CCD channels. In 2013, Stanford Computer Optics launch the 8-channel ICCD framing camera.

Furthermore, Stanford Computer Optics offering more than 25 years experience in intensified imaging to consult our costumers in high speed imaging technology or time-resolved spectroscopy solutions.

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